Career Services

Getting a job is one of the hardest things we do in our lives, doubly so when we don’t know what we want to do. WLI offers a variety of services that can help individuals not only find a career they love, but also help them keep it. Whether you’re starting at the beginning and have no idea what to do, or you have a job but need some extra help, WLI has got your back! If you feel like any of our career services may be a good fit for you, please give us a call at 419-352-5059, or click the button below to learn more about what we can do for you!

We help you stand out!

What ever your career goal is, WLI can help you get there! We have a team of dedicated support staff that want nothing more than to see you succeed.

Career Exploration

This offers to you the opportunity to meet face to face the people who do the actual work that interests you. Shadowing, observing, interviewing and closely investigating what work environment, what tasks, and what industry is the place for you. Once you have explored your interests, you will be prepared to try your hand at the work duties related to that business.


Job Development and Placement

This is the opportunity to access support to actually get that job and achieve your employment dream. A specialist will help you with the job search and to prepare for the interview that lies ahead. They will assist you in selling your skills to the best possible employer of your choice. You will have the personal support of someone who takes the time to match your interests to the job market. A developer is an agent to your success.

Career Based Assessment

This assessment helps you to find out more about your skills and interests as you participate in hands-on experience performing tasks on the job for a limited time. Complete immersion in the actual career allows you to evaluate the work culture and the job duties so that you can make an educated decision about your future employment goals.


Job-Site Coaching

Once you have that job, a coach is there to help you with your learning needs on the job. They will be of support to you as long as you feel you may need support. Organizing your work flow and learning the tricks of the trade are what you and your coach will accomplish together. Once you have met a level of comfort and confidence, that coach will fade out.


Vocational Habilitation

Often the first stop in gaining employment skills, vocational habilitation provides an opportunity for people to work in a more supportive environment with staff close at hand to model and teach skills within WLI’s facility. Job opportunities include work from local factories and businesses. This option is best suited for people who are interested in employment, but need to build confidence.


Individual Employment Supports

After community employment is achieved and any applicable on the job supports have faded, individual employment support stop ins can be requested to add an additional layer of support. Job coaches can assist people in understanding information provided to them, act as a liaison between an employer and individual, offer re-trains, and so much more. Visits can range from a few days a week, monthly, or annually in spans of fifteen minutes.

Group Employment

Group employment is the next stepping stone on the journey to community employment. People receiving services in group employment gain the opportunity to work in the community at a job site. A job coach is still close at hand, but the person working is expected to learn their job, follow applicable policies and procedures in the workplace, and model appropriate social behaviors.